News » harvest

The Story of Hugo Green’s Greens Part Five

 The naming of a company. There was a lot of excitement in the village as the names came in for these plants

The Story of Hugo Green’s Greens Part One

Once upon a time, in a small village that existed a long time ago, there lived a little boy named Hugo Green. Hugo was one of those guys that just...
Introducing Sandwich Supreme!

Introducing Sandwich Supreme!

We went through a few different names like “Whoa- thats pretty good”, “That’s an unbelievable Sandwich”, “That’s like really really good”.  While all these names were really really good, none...

Je veux cultiver mes propres plantes ! Où dois-je commencer ?

Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la culture des microgreens est ici.
I Want to Grow My Own! Where Do I Start?
The Goodness of Mustard Microgreens

Les bienfaits des micro-verts de moutarde

Apprenez-en davantage sur les avantages pour la santé des micro-verts de moutarde.